Monday, August 9, 2010

100 lbs Challenge.

Oh Man, my lifestyle has been out of control the last 6 months. I have felt sick most of the time, stressed out, eating to much and not exercising enough. The other day I stepped on a scale and decided that I needed to change my life. Heidi says she still finds me attractive but my weight affects my quality of life not just how I look. When I graduated from high school I was in good shape at 225 now I am almost 270 and out of shape BIG time. Two years ago when I was living with Jenn I got down to 200. A few days I even saw a 198 or a 195. I think I am at the point that I could lose 100 lbs. I think many of us in my family could do the same. Heidi has challenged us to lose 40lbs by the family reunion. I am going to get on board with Heidi and lose those 40 pounds. That would put be back at an ok weight. I am also going to issue the 'hundred pound challenge. From right now I am going to try and lose 100 lbs by Christmas 2011. We are planning a vacation then and I would like to be looking and feeling good.

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