Julie came up to Rexburg to hang out, and so we went to WalMart to finish buying the stuff for our Dorm party on Saturday, then we went out to eat at good ol' Micky-dees...been a little while and the greasy fries are my favorite! :)
Last Wednesday I started getting the cold that Hyrum had picked up from who-knows, but Friday I woke up with it in full-swing. However...thanks to Afrin, I was surviving the day. Then...Andrew comes home with THE MOST GORGEOUS arrangement of flowers!
Then, Hyrum took an extra nap to help me out. Is there anything more precious than a sleeping baby? Me thinks not!
Then, one of my girls came over to curl my hair for the BIG dance that night..the Valentine's Formal--a night in Paris.
We decided to go to the formal with another couple that is in our ward...and they are a blast! We had dinner at their house a few weeks ago, so it we had them to our house for a dinner before the dance. The Butterfields brought a very delicious salad, and then we had corn chowder and breadsticks...from scratch (remember...Betty Crocker). HAHA! Okay, so yes, the food was from scratch, but I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, and it wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Andrew...
SATURDAY: So I have a goal to run a 5K (3.1 miles) by July 4th...go from fat and waddling around to running a 5K in 1 year! :) But anyways, there was a Valentine's "Fun Run" that was a 5k! Andrew and I, plus Jena & Joey Hagen (some other head residents and my walking buddy) decided to do it. It was kinda crazy (especially when you consider that Andrew and I were both sick by this point) but totally fun! Andrew's goal was to finish in under 36 minutes. He finished in 35:26--barely there, but definitely there! My goal was to run at least a mile, and to finish in 45 minutes. I finished in exactly 42 minutes, and ran just over a mile! It was a wonderful feeling to finish something that I started! Next 5K I want to finish in 37 minutes...and for the 4th of July 5k, I want to finish in 30 minutes or less. We took Hyrum, and pushed him around the track. I really really really wish that we had thought to take our camera...but alas, we did not. Most people that were there (including the Hagen's and Andrew) had a "lap counter," someone who stood on the side of the track and would count your laps, so that you didn't have to keep track. But...I slipped through the cracks (yeah, I'm just that skinny! haha) and so I didn't have one. When you passed them, they would cheer you on and tell you how many laps you had done or how many you had left. I kept hearing "Yay! Go Jena" and "Andrew, you're my man!" etc...but what happened when I ran past them? "Go team stroller!" I guess that's what happens when you become a're defined by just that. You can imagine how exposed I felt (and nameless) when Andrew took Hyrum and let me run on my own...I then got a "yay!" from the sidelines. Oh well...I still finished, and it was still a great experience! Here's to more 5ks!!!
I woke up today with no voice, and some intense intestinal issues. Gross, I know. So we have now finished off the weekend by staying home from church and having an extremely relaxing day. But it was exactly what the doctor ordered because I'm feeling much better now--ready to start a new week, and to see what Valentine's day has to offer us tomorrow!